Consultant Gynaecologist and Lead Gyn Oncologist at Croydon University Hospital. Mr. Nama is also an Honorary Consultant at St. George’s Hospital and Royal Marsden Hospital
Consultant Gynaecologist | Sub Specialist in Gyn Oncology
I studied medicine in India and Gynaecology interested me at the outset because of its mix of medical and surgical specialities. It required development of laparoscopic and complex pelvic surgery skills which suited my desire to work with my hands.
During my training in India, the British Council initiated sponsorship of a select few to attend further training in the UK, and I was delighted to have been one of the doctors selected.
Training in the UK
My initial UK training involved several years of working in District General and Teaching Hospitals.
To provide the best patient care, an important aspect in medicine is the ability to appraise and implement evidence into practice. The British Heart Foundation awarded me with a grant to enrol into a Masters degree focusing on research at the University of London. This was a rewarding experience which included meeting and learning from eminent doctors in the Obstetrics and Gynaecology fields. I published several papers, journal chapters and gave oral presentations. In 2010, I was awarded the Best Oral Presentation from the UK at the American Heart Association Scientific conference in Chicago.
A year later my research on the prediction of pre-eclampsia won the best poster presentation from the American Cardiology Association and a mention in the Association’s press release. My paper on Caesarean section at Maternal Request was published in the Royal College of Obstetrician and Gynaecologist (RCOG) Journal and was also announced in a RCOG press release. This paper continues to be quoted by many Obstetricians to voice the uncertainties surrounding this subject.
By now, I had acquired the skills and experience to have a broad perspective in every aspect of my chosen field. This was crucial as I began formal training in Gynaecological Oncology to acquire the skills to prevent, diagnose and treat gynaecological cancers. My research interest in this field continued by authoring several papers and book chapters and included the ability to conduct meta-analysis (the ability to combine many studies into one single study) for Cochrane reviews I was then awarded a visiting Fellowship to the Memorial Sloane Kettering Hospital in the US.
This was of tremendous benefit as it enabled me to observe and learn from best practice in one of the world’s leading cancer centres in a health care market that was different to that I’d experienced in the NHS.I completed my RCOG accredited sub-speciality programme in 2014 and was appointed as a Consultant Senior Lecturer at the University of Bristol as Research lead in Gyn Oncology and undergraduate teaching.It was a great pleasure working in the beautiful and satisfying academic world for two years. During this time, I was able to secure a local charitable grant to investigate an increased capability to find biomarkers that would predict response to chemotherapy in ovarian cancer and predict recurrences.
I then decided to move to London to live closer to the family as my wife is a paediatric cardiologist and works in Redhill. My current position is Clinical Lead for Gyn Oncology at Croydon University Hospital and an Honorary Consultant at the Royal Marsden Hospital and St. George’s Hospital in London.My research interest is maintained by authoring meta-analysis for Cochrane and conducting clinical studies. I am a Principal Investigator for the SEARCH trial and MROC trial at Croydon looking at epidemiological factors for ovarian and endometrial cancer and the role of MRI in predicting surgical outcomes in ovarian cancer respectively.I enjoy what I do waking up and feeling happy everyday as I leave for a day at work.I am blessed with two daughters who take up most of my evenings and weekends and I would not have it any different. In the little time I have for myself, I enjoy running and swimming.

I strive to provide evidence-based care with the key objective of improving quality of life with a precise balance between interventional benefit and risk.
My ethos is to provide compassionate, cost-effective and efficient care. Patient satisfaction and my experience are quintessential pillars of all the decisions I make. With over 18 years of experience in gynaecology and gynaecological oncology. I bring an evidence-based approach to my practice made easier thanks to my research activities and the many national and international presentations I undertake If you are concerned about any gynaecological condition, I will be able to help you. I specialise in gynaecological cancers which have provided me with the skill to perform complex operations with ease. I also specialise in cervical smear, vulval conditions and hormone replacement therapy.
Qualifications –Mr Vivek Nama
- Advanced Skills Module in Menopause Care – Ongoing
- RCOG and GMC accredited Subspeciality training in Gyn Oncology
- British Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology Certification for Colposcopy
- Advanced Training Speciality Module in Gyn Oncology
- Advanced Training Speciality Module in Labour ward
- Masters of Research (MD Res) – St. George’s University of London
- Member of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologist
Gynaecological Surgery – Complex hysterectomy for previous multiple surgeries, large fibroids, adhesions and severe endometriosis. Myomectomy and resection of large fibroids.
Gynaecological Cancer Surgery – Surgery for endometrial, ovarian, cervical and vulval cancers.
Advanced Laparoscopic surgery including Hysterectomy, Treatment of Endometriosis, removal of tubes and ovaries, myomectomy (removal of fibroids) and tubal recanalization.
Screening for gynaecological cancers – Hysteroscopy and biopsy for bleeding after menopause, Colposcopy and treatment of precancerous lesions of the cervix, laparoscopy for elevated CA125. Vulvoscopy for precancerous lesions of the vulva and vagina.
Menopause and Hormone Replacement Therapy
The principal investigator for SEARCH trial and MROC trial at Croydon University Hospital.
Teaching Activities
Invited Lecture on LLETZ treatment and the risk of Preterm labour on the South West Colposcopy accreditation course.
Course Organizer and Instructor at the St. George’s MRCOG course.
Instructor on ‘Pelvic Anatomy for Obstetric and Gynaecology Trainees for Bristol’.
OSCE Examiner for Year 4 Medical Students at Croydon University Hospital.
Latest News
Booking an Appointment
Clinic I am currently working as Lead for Gyn Oncology at Croydon University Hospital and an Honorary Consultant at the Royal Marsden Hospital and St. George’s Hospital in London. I pride myself in providing compassionate, cost effective and efficient care. Patient...
Conditions and Treatments
Conditions and Treatments I have over 18 years of experience in gynaecology and gynaecological oncology. I thrive to provide a evidence based approach to my practice and that is made easier by my research activities and many national and international presentations, I...
Vivek Nama – Consultant Gynaecologist
Consultant Gynaecologist and Lead Gyn Oncologist at Croydon University Hospital. Mr. Nama is also an Honorary Consultant at St. George’s Hospital and Royal Marsden Hospital How I Can Help I pride myself in providing compassionate, cost effective and efficient care....